Saturday, August 29, 2009


Madelyn LOVES every bit of school! For the first several days she would talk my ear off on the way home telling me EVERY detail of her day. My friend Jill (Stallings) is her teacher and Maddie ADORES her. I think I found out more about Jill and her classroom in the past few days than I have known for the past 6 years! Sometimes we video tape Madelyn doing her "school news updates". They are always quite dramatic and funny!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Ella's first steps!

Ella took her first steps today! We were just hanging out at home and I heard Madelyn yell "She's walking"! I got to the room just in time to see her taking a few steps toward Daddy. She would take a step with one foot and slide the other up to meet it. So cute! As soon as she gets it figured out she'll be R-U-N-N-I-N-G!!!

Monday, August 24, 2009

First day of Kindergarten!

Today is the big day! Madelyn is super excited to go to Kindergarten! She has been ready for years!!! I'm pretty excited, too. She will be in the classroom right across the hall from mine. I know she will love school as much as I did!

Friday, August 14, 2009

Mommy's cool photos!

I love "artistic" photos! Here are a few I took...I think they're pretty cool!

Little artist Ella

Ella discovered that she likes to color. After several weeks of "eating" the crayons, she decided that it might be just a little more fun to scribble with them then eat them. Mommy usually only gives her one crayon at a time, but when we go to Chili's they give her "3"! She thinks that's big stuff! At home, she will sprawl out on the floor to color like she's been doing it for years! Funny girl!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Look out Rachael Ray!

Madelyn loves to make "meals" with her playdoh. Today she surprised me with dinner consisting of a ham and cheese sandwich, peas, a chicken tortilla wrap, and (best of all) a banana split! She actually makes VERY realistic looking food. Or, maybe I was just wishing that banana split was real...

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Ladies and Gentlemen...I give you...the next American Idol!

Ella loves to "sing" into her play microphone. She usually sings "Ah ah ah ah...", then we finish it for her with "Stayin' alive, stayin alive"...

Friday, August 7, 2009

My first blog!

I finally created a blog! We'll see if I can keep up with it! :-)