Sunday, September 27, 2009

School project

Madelyn had a school project this weekend. She was supposed to decide what she wants to be when she grows up and make this little "person" look like herself doing that job. Mommy helped with the "big" parts, but Maddie decided what goes on it and cut and colored. She wants to be a veterinarian. We blew up a picture of her and used the face part, then added a white coat made out of paper towel and cut out pictures of a dog, bone, "Hartz flea & tick drops" box, and a shot. We also used aluminum foil to make a stethoscope. It turned out pretty cute!

Getting around!

Ella is movin and groovin! She's getting faster every day! Here are some recent "walking" pics!


Ella thinks she's "big stuff" when she carries her lunchbox to the sitters!

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Fun at the Roller Rink!

Madelyn went to her friend Trinity's birthday party today at the roller skating rink. She had fun and did pretty well for her first time skating. It brought back lots of memories of being little and going EVERY Saturday morning to "Flying Wheels" in Columbus. I think I will take her skating again sometime soon!